Saturday, April 27, 2013


we may project what we wish to see played back onto other people.

Faces contain power, so do words.

This can be a good thing and a bad thing. 

Today however, we are concerned with sheep.
Yes, sheep, and sheep in terms of our children. 

Our children are like clean slates, what we give or do not give early on is powerful. We have choices to make, which can set the way a little clearer for them or we can fumble the whole thing up and live our lives in regret. We have opportunities to be brave for them, behave better for them, and be better for them. The slate is our chance to make a positive (or negative) mark. We can teach them the power of asking questions, let them learn by poking the box (which can be fun), and allow them the right to question the status quo, even our own.

Our children, we love so much, so we must lead them to become leaders, to make differences. We must not squash them into little molds that have sheepdom at the core, we must not hurt them before the world gets it's chance to. We must protect and build them strong. We have the opportunity to reject the molds that equate a sheep like mindset. We must teach them to be free thinkers, allow them to disagree and be proud for such bravery. We do them ill to squash them into little status quo boxes, if we do this we serve injustice, we limit their power.

We are here, today, and our children need and  must know they count. They must know how to be counted through their own voices, they need to know how to start things. The old ways of toeing the line and fitting in is a status quo sheepish approach. We need our children to spread their wings wide and say no or yes boldly as they transform from babies to ultimate adulthood. We owe them the freedom to say what they want or need to say and be what they want to do and to start what they want to start. We need to let them try and fail and learn. We owe them the bravery to believe in themselves and to thwart sheepery. It is time to question the reason this very article is being written. We have schools and programs all geared toward toeing the line, keeping your head down, not rocking or poking the box. Stay silent and be normal, what is normal? Nothing more than a washing machine setting.

The status quo has got to go people. It is not good enough, not brave enough, and not whole. We must teach our children to not be sheep. We must let them make choices and allow them to use their own original voices. What we leave on the slates, it doesn't always wipe away. What we do each and every day is live, we are living! And they're watching, recording, feeling, developing, remembering, learning and taking notes. They are being affected.

So take the Responsibility of the Power of the Slate, remember what you do and how you do things. We  leave imprints, good, bad, in the grey. But, seriously, there is a wealth of power for you, for them, for humanity in the opportunity of bucking the sheep quo.

We are all stronger than we think.
Never forget to change and poke the box.
You are unique and your voice is important.
Let the children play and learn without so much binding.
They will surprise you :-)